Y4K in Romania
The work in Romania mainly involves ministering to the spiritually and physically impoverished regions of Oltenia and Moldova. God called us in 2000 to start ministering in this country. We have been evangelizing by sending teams and sponsoring native workers ever since. At times we have sent five different teams in the same year. Besides evangelism, we are involved with children and youth in organizing summer camps because Christianity is viewed as a cult in some of these areas of Romania where we minister, summer camps are the only opportunities we have to reach them with God’s love, Jesus.
Another need in this country is working with orphans. We are intensively involved in working in four orphanages throughout Romania and have limited work in two others. We also visit widows to lovingly help meet their needs and lend a helping hand to the poor. Additionally, we support several missionary families with finances, Christian literature, or physical resources and annually deliver containers to the poorer regions of Romania.
Reference (2011) : https://www.cia.gov/